Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Web Based Archiving System

Vol. 4  Issue 3
Title:Web Based Archiving System
Author Name:Khalid W. Hameed , Samer A. Ahmed and Amir A.Mohammed
Today, people are more interested in efficiency, speed and more importantly in cost, in every walk of life. The management of work, industries, trade etc. which is called "Office work" is one of these. The office work may include saving information on paper in an ordered manner such that it may return to them in future. In order to overcome the difficulty in managing paper inventory and difficulty in searching for a particular document, the authors have designed and implemented an archiving system to save the burden of hard copies. The requirements had been first identified by analyzing the work nature. Upon these requirements for both the manager and user sides, the system was designed by creating a facility for each requirement, which in overall comprises the system. The designed system is easy, simple and web based. It was designed primarily based on XAMPP application and PHP language.

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