Tuesday, 3 January 2017

An Introduction to Data Lake

Vol. 5  Issue 2
Title:An Introduction to Data Lake
Author Name:K.V.N. Rajesh and K.V.N. Ramesh 
Now-a-days companies are concentrating on more data to take informed decisions. Companies that are able to effectively use data are the world leaders in terms of wealth, development and growth. Even to survive, operate and compete in this age, organizations need to be able to effectively use their data. Huge amount of investment is made in storing and processing large amounts of data to make better decisions. Data lake is a massive, easily accessible data store/repository that allows for collecting large volumes of structured and unstructured data in its native format from disparate data sources. This paper describes Data Lake, Schema-on-Write, Schema-on-Read, Characteristics and implementation of data lake.

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