Monday, 12 May 2014

Trapdoor Hash Based Signature Amortization Technique to Authenticate

Vol.2  No.4

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Trapdoor Hash Based Signature Amortization Technique to Authenticate

Author Name : Bruntha M, Premalatha J

Synopsis :

A Content Distribution Network (CDN) is a collection of large number of server deployed in different area across the internet. CDN serves end-users with high availability of content and high performance. It mainly supports application like ecommerce, live digital streaming media, on demand streaming media, etc. In such application end-users involve with very low data rate, varying communication overhead, low tolerance for high latency. The existing work uses a single signing/verification operation by chaining technique for signing/verifying multiple packets. The signature is generated using Feige Fiat Shamir signature scheme. In proposed work a security mechanism known as Trapdoor hash based signature amortization technique is implemented. This authenticates individual data blocks in a stream and the signature is generated using DL-SA signature scheme. The proposed technique provide high tolerance for loss of intermediate blocks, higher signing and verification rate, limited communication overhead.

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