Vol.2 No.4
Year: 2013
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title : Report on Hierarchal Load Balancing Technique in Grid Environment
Author Name : Neeraj Rathore, Inderveer Chana
Synopsis :
Grid computing offers the network with large scale computing resources. Load balancing is effective for balancing the load of large scale heterogeneous grid resources that are typically owned by different organizations. Not all the techniques provide the same benefits for users in utilizing the resources in a quick response time. Similarly, the profit earned by resource providers also differs for different Load balancing technique. We surveyed the load balancing and job migration technique used in grid computing since its inception until 2013. We discuss their advantages and disadvantages and analyze their suitability for usage in a dynamic grid environment. To the best of our knowledge, no such survey has been conducted in the literature up to now. A comparative study of some of them along with their pitfalls in case of huge distributed environment, like Grid, is discussed in this paper. We also proposed efficient hierarchal Load Balancing algorithm to close all the existing gaps.
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