Friday, 25 July 2014

Comprehensive Study of KDD99 Dataset and Data Mining Tools for Intrusion Detection

Vol.3  No.2

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Comprehensive Study of KDD99 Dataset and Data Mining Tools for Intrusion Detection

Author Name : Kamini Nalavade, Dr. B. B. Meshram

Synopsis :

Due to extensive growth of the Internet and increasing availability of tools and methods for intruding and attacking networks, intrusion detection has become a critical component of network security parameters. Intrusion detection in large data is one of the major challenge for the researchers in this area. Anomaly detection using data mining techniques has attracted the attention of many researchers to overcome the weakness of signature-based IDSs in detecting novel attacks and KDDCUP’99 is the mostly widely used data set for the evaluation of these systems. In this paper we have conducted an comprehensive study and statistical analysis on KDD dataset. We also provide description of features and instances of the dataset. The another important challenge for the researchers in this area is to select an appropriate data mining tool for the analysis. The paper disusses two important and popular tools in this area, weka, Oracle data mining and tanagara. We hope that study carried out in his paper is useful for the reasearcheres in the area of intrusion detection.

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Study of Web Page Rank algorithms

Vol.3  No.2

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Study of Web Page Rank algorithms

Author Name : Poonam Rawat, Deepak Pathak

Synopsis :

World Wide Web is growing every day, people searching for a information can be easily lost in the web. People use search engine to find relevant information from the web. So it is very challenging for search engine to find relevant and quality information from the huge collection of hyperlinked data on World Wide Web. This paper gives an introduction of web search engine with its architecture. It also describes web mining techniques and page ranking algorithm in detail. Some very important page ranking algorithms like PageRank algorithm, Weighted Pagerank algorithm and Hyperlink induced topic search (HITS) algorithm are discussed and Compared on the bases of various parameters like mining techniques, input parameter, working process, complexity, limitation and search engine using algorithm.

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Multimedia Information Systems: A Comparison Perspective of Social Web Sites

Vol.3  No.2

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Multimedia Information Systems: A Comparison Perspective of Social Web Sites

Author Name : Addala Radha Krishna, K. Chandra Sekharaiah

Synopsis :

In ISs, resource objects like databases are distributed and replicated in order to increase the performance, reliability and availability. In an earlier work, we extended the earlier existing taxonomy of ISs [10]. In this paper, we have revised the taxonomy further by including WIS, SWIS and MMIS. We shall discuss various characteristics of MMIS and the effect of the network on required quality of presentation for MMIS. MMIS input strings provide an efficient means for iconic temporal/spatial relations of media streams and semantic objects. Today more information sources become available as MMISs. Hence, the development of abstract semantic models for video, audio, text, graphics and image data became very important. In this paper, we have tabulated a comparison feature study of a variety of MMISs web sites. It is found that most of the modern web sites use maximum degree of multimedia support.

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Gender Classification Using Neck Features Extracted From Profile Images

Vol.3  No.2

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Gender Classification Using Neck Features Extracted From Profile Images

Author Name : Munehiro Nakamura, Kengo Iwata , Masatoshi Kimura , Haruhiko Kimura

Synopsis :

Gender classification has been one of the emerging issues in the field of security due to increase of women-only floors. For security purpose, this paper presents two biological features extracted from the neck region in a profile image. One is extracted the bump of the neck formed by the laryngeal prominence. Another is the width of the neck that tends to be wider in males than in females. Evaluation experiments for the proposed two features were performed on 50 male and 39 female profile images. The experimental result shows that the proposed method achieved over 95.0% accuracy for both of the male and female images, which overcomes a state-of-the-art method based on Local Binary Patterns for gender classification.

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Cross-Site Request Forgery: Vulnerabilities and Defenses

Vol.3  No.2

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Cross-Site Request Forgery: Vulnerabilities and Defenses

Author Name : Bharti Nagpal, Naresh Chauhan , Nanhay Singh

Synopsis :

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack occurs when a malicious web site causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site. These attacks have been called the “sleeping giant” of web-based vulnerabilities, because many sites on the internet fail to protect against them because they have been largely ignored by the web development and security communities. The impact of a successful cross-site request forgery attack is limited to the capabilities exposed by the vulnerable application. This attack could result in a transfer of funds, changing a password, or purchasing an item in the user's context.

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Improving Performance of Web Applications with Effective Data Transmission Using Ids with Internet

Vol.3  No.2

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Improving Performance of Web Applications with Effective Data Transmission Using Ids with Internet

Author Name : Kalai Magal R, M.Rames Kumar

Synopsis :

Depending upon who you ask, the IDS may be a simple audit trail process, or a filter process using a traffic control system, like screening routers, packet filters, firewalls, etc. Some people use IDS to mean a logging utility. This paper studies improving Internet security with Network Security combined authentication and intrusion detection (NS-IDS) secure data transmission in such MANETs. Security is deployed to work with intrusion detection systems (IDSs) to alleviate the shortcomings of uni-modal biometric systems. Since each device in the network has measurement and estimation limitations, more than one device needs to be chosen, and observations can be fused to increase observation accuracy using for the system decides whether user authentication (or IDS input) is required and which (or IDSs) should be chosen, depending on the security posture. The decisions are made Network in fully secured manner by each authentication device and IDS. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

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Friday, 4 July 2014

Review of Energy Aware policies for Cloud Computing Environment

Vol.3  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue : Dec-Feb

Title : Review of Energy Aware policies for Cloud Computing Environment

Author Name : Pankaj Singh, Binay Kumar Pandey , Hardwari Lal Mandoria , Ratnesh Srivastava

Synopsis :

With the rapid growth of cloud computing developers are being concern about the massive power consumption bythe data centers. The huge amount of power consume by the data centers does not only results in high operational cost but also the production of heat and carbon footprints on the environment. Researchers are making efforts to maximize the power efficiency and minimizing energy consumption of data centers. This paper presents a study of the researches and methods that have been proposed to increase the power efficiency and minimize power consumption of the data centers.

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Image Fusion Technique and Genetic Algorithm A Review

Vol.3  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue : Dec-Feb

Title : Image Fusion Technique and Genetic Algorithm A Review

Author Name : Deepak Awasthi, Richa Gupta

Synopsis :

Image fusion is technique in which two or more images of same scene are merged together such that new image formed suitable for better interpretation. Image fusion result into a fused image that continue to have the most useful information. This fused Image has characteristics of each input image. Various standard method used for image fusion produce good result spatially but cause spatial noise. To remove this distortion and enhance quality of fused image, various fusion schemes have been proposed. In this paper, we focus on the fusion methods based on various standard techniques and compare it with wavelet transform used for image fusion .Wavelet transform is majorly used in the area of image fusion because it provide better results in temporal domain as well as spatial domain .Performance of any fusion technique is measured by mean standard deviation, entropy, average gradient, peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and correlation coefficients.

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A System That Helps Sell/Buy Products with Ease

Vol.3  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue : Dec-Feb

Title : A System That Helps Sell/Buy Products with Ease

Author Name : Bheemanjaneyulu S, Dr.K.L.Narayana

Synopsis :

To get an idea of the modern gadgets that are available in the market and to select/ buy a product, a visit to the mall/ shop/ exhibition is needed till now. However, the products are now presented to the individual by online and he/ she need not take the trouble of going out. Recommender systems are alternative to search algorithms, as they help users discover item they might not have found by themselves. These systems use search engines indexing non-traditional data. Recommender systems are developed to get the pulse of the customer and to present the items, in which he/ she is interested and thus the manufacturer is able to sell his products and the customer is able to buy the items with less effort. Should it be also possible at this rate, using the recommender systems, to diagnose and prescribe the medicine to the ailing patient, to be experimented/ studied?

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Green Communication: Analysis and Development towards Energy Efficient Communication

Vol.3  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue : Dec-Feb

Title : Green Communication: Analysis and Development towards Energy Efficient Communication

Author Name : Sahil Pratap Singh, Yash Johri

Synopsis :

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has changed our society remarkably in the last few years, one key feature is its great and continuously-increasing size. There seems no end in sight to the proliferation of mobile communications as over 120,000 new base stations are deployed yearly, and there is growth across every demographic from teenagers to businessmen to the poorest Indian village. The intersection of two undeniably increasing trends, escalating energy costs and meteoric growth in voice and data communications usage, creates an urgent need to address the development of more energy efficient ‘green’ communications. According to BCC Research, the ICT global market was worth $38.4 billion in 2010; the forecast is a growth to $58.4 billion and the downlink traffic from cellular handsets is expected to grow more than eight fold rising from 56MB per month to 455MB by 2015. This meteoric rise in users and data demand alone does not create a crisis; however when one evaluates the communications ecosystem from a carbon footprint and energy cost perspective, the results are startling. Although its effects on our everyday lives are obvious, the hazardous effects that this technology may have on the environment are much less clear and seldom talked about and are often neglected or overlooked. These impacts can be expressed throughout the lifecycle (from the manufacturing, use and disposal) of the ICT product. This paper presents a research vision for Green Communications. The core tenant of our Green Communications vision is to reduce overall energy consumption within framework of optimizing system capacity and maintaining user Quality of Service.

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Association Rule Mining Algorithm for Web Search Result Optimization: A Review

Vol.3  No.1

Year: 2014

Issue : Dec-Feb

Title : Association Rule Mining Algorithm for Web Search Result Optimization: A Review

Author Name : VINOD KUMAR YADAV, Dr. Anil Kumar Malviya, SATENDRA KUMAR

Synopsis :

The web is an enormous information space where a large number of an individual article or unit such as documents, images, videos or other multimedia can be retrieve. In this context, several information technologies have been developed to assist users to gratify their searching needs on web, and the most used by users are search engines as Yahoo, Google, Netscape, e-Bay, e-Trade, Expedia, Amazon, Bing, Ask, and so on. The search engines allow users to find web relevant resources by setting up their queries and reviewing a list of answers. In this paper a search result optimization method for search engine optimization by page rank updating, query recommendation and query reformulation are proposed. It explores the users queries registered in the search engine’s query logs in order to learn how users search and also in order to design algorithms that can improve the correctness of the answers suggested to users. The proposed method starts by exploring the query logs to find query clusters and identify session of queries then it examine query logs to discover useful relationship among pages, keywords and queries within clusters using association rule mining algorithms such as an apriori algorithm and automated apriori algorithm. We also showed that automated apriori algorithm generates more strong rules as compare to apriori algorithm.

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Monday, 12 May 2014

Report on Hierarchal Load Balancing Technique in Grid Environment

Vol.2  No.4

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Report on Hierarchal Load Balancing Technique in Grid Environment

Author Name : Neeraj Rathore, Inderveer Chana

Synopsis :

Grid computing offers the network with large scale computing resources. Load balancing is effective for balancing the load of large scale heterogeneous grid resources that are typically owned by different organizations. Not all the techniques provide the same benefits for users in utilizing the resources in a quick response time. Similarly, the profit earned by resource providers also differs for different Load balancing technique. We surveyed the load balancing and job migration technique used in grid computing since its inception until 2013. We discuss their advantages and disadvantages and analyze their suitability for usage in a dynamic grid environment. To the best of our knowledge, no such survey has been conducted in the literature up to now. A comparative study of some of them along with their pitfalls in case of huge distributed environment, like Grid, is discussed in this paper. We also proposed efficient hierarchal Load Balancing algorithm to close all the existing gaps.

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Model Based Clustering Using Evolutionary Algorithm

Vol.2  No.4

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Model Based Clustering Using Evolutionary Algorithm

Author Name : Ra. Radhika, R. Devi Priya

Synopsis :

Clustering is collection of data objects that are similar to one another and thus can be treated collectively as one group. The model based clustering approach uses model for clustering and optimizes the fit between the data and model. The evolutionary algorithm has the ability to thoroughly search the parameter space, providing an approach inherently more robust with respect to local maxima. In EvolvExpectation-Maximization(EvolvEM)algorithm,Expectation Maximization and Genetic algorithm is used for clustering data which shows more efficiency then EM clustering. The drawback in this method is that its execution time is higher and it requires more parameters. In the proposed approach, instead of Genetic algorithm, Bee colony optimization can be combined with Expectation Maximization algorithm in order to improve execution time and clustering efficiency. Hence, it can be efficiently used for clustering.

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Trapdoor Hash Based Signature Amortization Technique to Authenticate

Vol.2  No.4

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Trapdoor Hash Based Signature Amortization Technique to Authenticate

Author Name : Bruntha M, Premalatha J

Synopsis :

A Content Distribution Network (CDN) is a collection of large number of server deployed in different area across the internet. CDN serves end-users with high availability of content and high performance. It mainly supports application like ecommerce, live digital streaming media, on demand streaming media, etc. In such application end-users involve with very low data rate, varying communication overhead, low tolerance for high latency. The existing work uses a single signing/verification operation by chaining technique for signing/verifying multiple packets. The signature is generated using Feige Fiat Shamir signature scheme. In proposed work a security mechanism known as Trapdoor hash based signature amortization technique is implemented. This authenticates individual data blocks in a stream and the signature is generated using DL-SA signature scheme. The proposed technique provide high tolerance for loss of intermediate blocks, higher signing and verification rate, limited communication overhead.

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Approaches to Detect and Prevent Cross-Site Scripting Attacks on Websites: A Survey

Vol.2  No.4

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Approaches to Detect and Prevent Cross-Site Scripting Attacks on Websites: A Survey

Author Name : Bharti Nagpal, Naresh Chauhan , Nanhay Singh

Synopsis :

The expansion of the Internet has made web applications a part of everyday life. The numbers of incidents which exploit web application vulnerabilities are increasing day by day. Due to the growth of networks and internet, many offline services have been changed to online services. Nowadays, most online services consists of web services. The ability to access the web from any place at anytime is a great advantage.However, as the popularity of the web increases, attacks on the web increases. Most of the attacks made on the web targets the vulnerabilities of web applications. This paper surveys the most popular existing XSS related issues, their Detection/Prevention techniques and tools proposed in last decade. These vulnerabilities are researched and analyzed at [1]OWASP(Open Web Application Security project).It tracks the most common failures on websites.Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) attacks are a type of injection problem in which malicious scripts are injected into the trusted web sites.

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Modified PSOLA-Genetic Algorithm based approach for Voice Re-Construction

Vol.2  No.4

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Modified PSOLA-Genetic Algorithm based approach for Voice Re-Construction

Author Name : Partha Sarathy Banarjee, Dr. Uttam Kumar Roy

Synopsis :

The process by which we try to reconstruct or regenerate a voice sample from a source sample or try to modify a source voice to a desirable voice, we call it as Synthetic voice generation or artificial voice or voice conversion. The basic and conventional remedy to this issue are based on training and applying conversion functions which generally require a suitable amount of pre-stored training data from both the source and the target speaker. The paper deals with a very crucial issue of achieving the required prosody, timber and some other unique voice templates by considerably reducing the dependence on the sample training dataset of voice. We needed to find out a way by which we can have templates of the “to be achieved voice” which are nearly same parametrically. This is achieved by assigning a marker to the target voice sample for training .A proper estimation of the transformation function can be made possible only by the above mentioned data. We can get the process done by pre existing methods. In nut shell what we proposed is that a system by which in the scarce availability of training dataset also we can reach to a considerable amount of closeness of the target voice. Even though there is a disadvantage that to have higher precision and closer resemblance we need to have clear idea of the system of spelling that a language uses.

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Monday, 17 March 2014

Image Compression by PAI Method

Vol.2 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue : Jun-Aug

Title : Image Compression by PAI Method

Author Name : Vidhya B, Vidhyapriya R

Synopsis :

Image compression is aimed to reduce the irrelevance and redundancy of the image data for the purpose to store or transmit data in an efficient form. A Novel image compression technique is proposed which integrates parameter-assistant inpainting (PAI) to exploit visual redundancy in colour images. In this approach, an input image at the encoder side is divided into featured and non-featured regions at block level. The featured blocks matching the predefined model class are coded by a few parameters, whereas the non-featured blocks are coded traditionally. At the decoder side, the featured regions are restored through PAI which is relying on both delivered parameters and surrounding information. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms JPEG in featured regions by an average bit rate saving of 73% at similar perceptual quality levels.

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De noising and Sharpening of Color Filter Captured Images using Adaptive Transformation

Vol.2 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue : Jun-Aug

Title : De noising and Sharpening of Color Filter Captured Images using Adaptive Transformation

Author Name : D. Anitha, S.Ramya

Synopsis :

Obtaining cost-effective images with diagnosis quality is a current challenge, and this paper proposes a noise removal algorithm for color images corrupted by additive Gaussian noise and a robust open close sequence filter based on mathematical morphology for high probability additive Gaussian noise removal is given. First, an additive Gaussian noise detector using mathematical residues is to identify pixels that are contaminated by the additive Gaussian noise. Then the image is restored using specialized open-close sequence algorithms that apply only to the noisy pixels. But the color blocks that degrade the quality of the image will be recovered by a block smart erase method. This algorithm can be applied to highly corrupted images. Mathematical morphology is a nonlinear image processing methodology that is based on the application of lattice theory to spatial structures. In color images, algorithms are developed for boundary extraction via a morphological gradient operation and for region partitioning based on texture content. Mathematical morphological operations are useful in smoothing and sharpening, which often are useful as per or post processing steps.

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Existing Intrusion Detection System Using Data Mining: A Survey

Vol.2 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue : Jun-Aug

Title : Existing Intrusion Detection System Using Data Mining: A Survey

Author Name : Nikhil Kulshrestha, Ruby Dahiya

Synopsis :

Data Mining is a process of discovering patterns in a large data set. On other side Network Security is a most significant problem of Information Era. An Intrusion Detection System is an important part of the security management system for computers and networks that tries to detect break-ins or break-in attempts. There are various approaches for intrusion detection system such as signature – based, anomaly – based, specification – based. Among all the available approaches, anomaly detection approach is the one which is suitable for detecting the novel attacks. By using of data mining techniques in network security new intrusion detection systems are developed. This paper will discuss some data mining techniques which are applied to create intrusion detection systems and their performance comparisons.

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Multimedia Approach To Enhance The Reasoning Ability Of The Mathematics Student-Teachers

Vol.2 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue : Jun-Aug

Title : Multimedia Approach To Enhance The Reasoning Ability Of The Mathematics Student-Teachers

Author Name : D. R. Robert Joan

Synopsis :

To enhance the reasoning ability successfully in a classroom we implement the new technique. For that the investigator uses the Multimedia package to improve the Mathematics student-teachers in reasoning ability. Multimedia improves the effectiveness of teaching learning process in formal or informal setting and utilizing scientific principle. Multimedia is characterized by the presence of text, pictures, graphics, sound, animation and video; some or all of which are organized into some coherent program. A primary application of the interactive multimedia for instruction is in an instructional situation where the learners is given control so that he/she may review the material at his or her own pace and in keeping with his/her own individual interests, needs, and cognitive processes. The objectives of the study was to measure the effectiveness of the multimedia approach in reasoning ability among Mathematics student teachers and the experimental research is essential for finding out into effective from the population of student teachers, the investigator selected 24 students from a college of education in Tamil Nadu. Tools used were Multimedia package to improve reasoning ability developed by the investigator and Reasoning Ability scale developed by the investigator. In the experimental group, student teachers were taught the subject Mathematics by using this Multimedia package to improve reasoning ability. The control group student teachers were taught traditional method to improve reasoning ability. Findings of the study showed that Control group and experimental group do not differ significantly in their pre-test scores. Control group and experimental group students differ significantly in their post-test scores. Control groups students differ significantly in their pre-test and post-test scores. Also Experimental group students differ significantly in their pre-test and post-test scores. The conclusion of the study was that the experimental group student teachers have achieved high in post- test than the control group so that the reasoning ability was enhanced in the student teachers of experimental group than control group.

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Performation Evaluation of Mobile Application Based Steganographic Technique in Comparison with Other Existing Audio Steganography Techniques

Vol.2 No.3

Year : 2013

Issue : Jun-Aug

Title : Performation Evaluation of Mobile Application Based Steganographic Technique in Comparison with Other Existing Audio Steganography Techniques

Author Name : Chandrakant Badgaiyan

Synopsis :

Nowadays for data transfer from one place to other in whole world, internet is the best solution. But data transfer using internet is a very risky affair. In this context data security has become a critical area because private network is not the solution of data security all the time and none of the medium used for data transfer is fully secured these challenges encouraged data hiding techniques like Encryption and Steganography. One advantage of steganography over cryptography is the cryptography protects the contents of a message only, whereas steganography can protect both messages and communicating parties. In this paper we are going to implement a Mobile Apps Based Steganography Technique in a mobile application and compare the results based on various criteria like robustness, noise resistance, imperceptibility, payload capacity and real time with all other audio Steganographic techniques like LSB, Parity, Eco hiding, phase coding and spread spectrum. Millions of Mobile Apps are downloaded on mobile phones daily from all part of world. This technique is implemented on J2ME platform; Mobile Application is a Maze game and it is tested on Nokia Supernova 7610 series phones.

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