Monday, 8 July 2013

Survey Of Existing Video Indexing Technique: An Overview

Vol.1 No.4

Year: 2012

Title : Survey Of Existing Video Indexing Technique: An Overview
Author Name : DEVARAJ SARAVANAN, Dr.S.Srinivasan
Synopsis :

Data Mining is a   process of knowledge evaluation from large data sets. It is a very challenging  filed of research in the recent  past years. Extraction of knowledge is a critical issue for the researchers[1]. Many data mining tools currently fail to operate in extracting  the needed information from the collection of data set  it requires extra steps for extracting, and analyzing the data. Based on the type of extraction video is the particular media contains motion, sound, image, text and color information. Among these extracting the needed information is a challenging task. The usage of the image has been increasing day by day due to various factors. They are used not only for expressing knowledge and information but also used for the purpose of analyzing. For this purpose effective retrieval video dates are indexed. Here some of the existing indexing techniques are discussed. Based on the surveillance there may be a  need for improvement in video indexing.


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