Title : Privacy
Between Client And Service Providers
Author Name :
M.Ramesh Reddy,
: A Web service is a web
based application that can be easily reachable programmatically through the
web. This web service is enabled by various efforts to discover, describe,
advertise and invoke the web service. In this paper web services are generated
for different services and that services are composed according to the user’s
request. The composition of services is done dynamically to accomplish the
users is preserved by using the filters. This privacy preservation is to secure
the confidential information of the users from other service providers. All the
web service transaction is to be done through mobile.
Title: Open
Proxy: A road block for Phishing investigations
Name: Swapan Purkait
When a hacker sends a phishing
email or host a phishing website, investigators must locate the source of the
communication, they must trace the electronic trail leading from the email or
the web server back to the perpetrator. Traceability is a key to the
investigation of the cyber crime such as phishing. It is impossible to prevent
all internet misuse but may be possible to identify and trace the user, and
take appropriate legal action. Different phishing detection mechanisms have
been addressed in research papers, but with little being focused on open proxy
usage rather, misusages. This paper addresses the security concern for
mushrooming of open proxy servers in the globe. This work highlights how
anonymity provided to the phisher by an open proxy is becoming a major roadblock
for cyber crime investigating agencies in India. We conducted personal
interviews with various law enforcement officers involved in Cyber crime cases
mainly, Phishing and prepared a flow chart how all these cases getting
stalemate because of the open proxy servers. Helpless condition of theses
investigating agencies proves that easy availability of free and easy anonymous
proxy servers motivates phisher to plan the attack knowing very well that they
will not be traced back. In our solution framework we propose two dimensional
approach combining technical solution and legal cooperation among international
law enforcement agencies. Our technical solution will be able to flag all
emails that are using an open proxy, also it will be able to locate any website
usage or update through an open proxy.
Title : Using
Data Mining For Prediction: A Conceptual Analysis
Name : Durgesh M. Sharma,
Ashish K. Sharma, Sangita A. Sharma
Synopsis :
In today's intensely competitive
environment organizations must secure a high customer satisfaction in order to
survive. This requires identifying customers and properly understanding their
needs. However, targeting the customer is not that easy as the businesses have
massive data and this requires properly analyzing and dealing with data.
Moreover, old forecasting method appears to be no obvious advantage in try to
find the individual for every item and no longer adaptable for any business
condition. Data mining is powerful technique which can serve the purpose. Data
mining is automated extraction of data from large databases. Data mining offers
several techniques such as attribute relevance analysis, decision tree, clustering,
prediction, etc for the task and thus to this end, this paper suggests the use
of data mining techniques of attribute relevance analysis and decision tree for
Author Name :
Timur Mirzoev, Craig
Brockman , Lockheed Martin
Synopsis :
In-memory computing has changed the landscape of
database technology. Within the database and technology field,
advancements occur over the course of time that has had the capacity to
transform some fundamental tenants of the technology and how it is
applied. The concept of database management systems (DBMS) was realized
in industry during the 1960s, allowing users and developers to use a
navigational model to access the data stored by the computers of that day as
they grew in speed and capability.
This manuscript is specifically
examines the SAPHigh Performance Analytics Appliance(HANA) approach, which is
one of the commonly used technologies today. Additionally, this manuscript
provides the analysis of the first two of the four common main usecases to
utilize SAP HANA’s in-memory computing database technology. The performance benefits
are important factors for DB calculations.Some of the benefits are quantified
and the demonstrated by the defined sets of data.
Title : Principal
neighborhood dictionary nonlocal means method for image enhancement and analysis
Author Name :
Naga Raju C,
U.RajyaLakshmi , A.S.Kavitha Bai
Synopsis :
In this paper a principal neighborhood dictionary
nonlocal means method isproposed.As the computational power increases,
data-driven descriptions of structure are becoming increasingly important in
image processing. Traditionally, many models are used in applications such as
denoising and segmentation have been based on the assumption of piecewise
smoothness. Unfortunately, these models yields limited performance thus
motivated for data driven strategies. One data-driven strategy is to use image
neighborhoods for representing local structure and these are rich enough to
capture the local structures of real images, but do not impose an explicit
model. This representation has been used as a basis for image denoising and
segmentation. But the drawback is it gives high computational cost. The
motivation of our work is to reduce the computational complexity and higher the
accuracy by using nonlocal means image denoising algorithm. This paper will
present in-depth analysis of nonlocal means image denoising algorithm that uses
principal component analysis to achieve a higher accuracy while reducing
computational load. Image neighborhood vectors are projected onto a lower
dimensional subspace using PCA. The dimensionality of this subspace is chosen
automatically using parallel analysis. Consequently, neighborhood similarity
weights for denoising are computed using distances in this subspace rather than
the full space. The resulting algorithm is referred to as principal
neighborhood dictionary nonlocal means. By implementing the algorithm we will
investigateprincipal neighborhood dictionary nonlocal meansmethod’sandNonlocal
Means method’s accuracy with respect to the image neighborhood and window
sizes. Finally, we will present a quantitative and qualitative comparison of
both methods.
Title : Social
media and the re-evaluation of the terms ‘community’, ‘virtual community’ and
‘virtual identity’ as concepts of analysis
Name : Udo Richard Averweg,
Marcus Leaning
Synopsis :
In this article we examine the concepts of community,
virtual community and virtual identity and consider if they have any continued
relevancy as analytic terms in relation to social media. Firstly, we trace the
origins of the term ‘community’ and contextualize its interpretation arguing
that the term has political overtones. We then consider the notion of ‘virtual
communities’ and suggest a working definition for this term. Thereafter we
consider virtual identities. Finally, we contend that while the categories are
deeply rooted in a particular understanding of communication, community and
identity they do offer some very useful terms of analysis for social media.
Title : Survey
Of Existing Video Indexing Technique: An Overview
Data Mining is a
process of knowledge evaluation from large data sets. It is a very
challenging filed of research in the recent past years. Extraction
of knowledge is a critical issue for the researchers[1]. Many data mining tools
currently fail to operate in extracting the needed information from the
collection of data set it requires extra steps for extracting, and
analyzing the data. Based on the type of extraction video is the particular
media contains motion, sound, image, text and color information. Among these
extracting the needed information is a challenging task. The usage of the image
has been increasing day by day due to various factors. They are used not only
for expressing knowledge and information but also used for the purpose of
analyzing. For this purpose effective retrieval video dates are indexed. Here
some of the existing indexing techniques are discussed. Based on the
surveillance there may be a need for improvement in video indexing.
Title : Offline
Signature Verification Using Neural Networks
Name : Jyoti Singh, Manisha
Signature has
been a distinguishing biometric feature through ages. Signature verification
finds application in a large number of fields starting from online banking,
passport verification systems, online exams etc. Human signatures can be
handled as an image and recognized using computer vision and neural network
techniques. This paper, proposes an off-line signature verification system
using neural network. The system consists of three stages: the first is
preprocessing stage, second is feature extraction stage and the last is
verification stage using neural network. The objective of the work is to reduce
two critical parameters, False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate
Title : A
3.1-5GHz Low Power, High Gain and Improved Linearity Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
for Implantable Ultra Wideband Applications in CMOS Silicon-On- Sapphire (SOS)
Author Name :
Ayobami Iji, Xie Zhu
Synopsis :
High data rate
implantable wireless systems come with many challenges, chief among them being
low power operation and high path loss. LNAs designed for this application must
include high gain, low noise figure (NF) and better linearity at low power
consumption within the required frequency. In this paper, our design is based
on Impulse Response (IR) Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) operating at (3.1 — 5) GHz. We
report the design and measurement of an LNA with 2.4dB NF, 17.3dB of gain and
input intercept point of 2dBm consuming 4mW, which make it suitable for
implantable radio applications. The process technology used here is 0.25µm CMOS
Silicon on Sapphire (SOS) process.
Title : E-course:
ICT Elements and Students' Thinking Dispositions
Author Name: Dan
Bouhnik, Carmi Golan
A students'
prior technological background has an effect on his learning process and
success in courses delivered in an online environment. The purpose of this
paper is to examine the effect of three variables — previous computer knowledge
& experience, internet skills and prior experience with online courses — on
the improvement of thinking tendencies. The theoretical basis for this research
relies on Perkins, Jay & Tishmans' tendency theory (1993). 285 bachelor and
master students, studying in asynchronous and synchronous courses in the Fully
On-line system, participated in the research. The research results show that
previous personal computer knowledge & experience and internet skills
affect thinking tendencies in varying positive degrees. However, no effect was
found to be made by previous participation in on-line courses on thinking
tendencies. The research conclusion shows that previous personal computer
knowledge & experience and internet skills both contribute, separately and
together, to the improvement of thinking tendencies, which form an important
basis and a significant parameter for students' academic success.