Monday, 28 January 2013

Energy Efficient Scheme for Object –Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

Vol.1 No.2

Year: 2012
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Energy Efficient Scheme for Object –Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks   
Author Name: S. Anandamurugan 
In recent years, we have witnessed an increasing interest in deploying wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for real-life applications. However, before WSNs become a commodity, several challenging issues remain to be resolved. Object-tracking sensor network (OTSN)-based applications are widely viewed as being among the most interesting applications of WSNs. OTSN is mainly used to track certain objects in a monitored area and to report their location to the application’s users. However, OTSNs are well known for their energy consumption when compared with other WSN applications. In this paper, we propose a prediction-based tracking technique using sequential patterns (PTSPs) de-signed to achieve signi?cant reductions in the energy dissipated by the OTSNs while maintaining acceptable missing rate levels. PTSP is tested against basic tracking techniques to determine the appropriateness of PTSP under various circumstances. Our experimental results have shown that PTSP outperforms all the other basic tracking techniques and exhibits signi?cant amounts of savings in terms of the entire network’s energy consumption.


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